Learn how to draw a house for young kids with easy step by step instructions.

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Step By Step Instructions

Draw a triangle at the top of the page.

Draw a square under the triangle.

Draw a square under the triangle.

Draw a rectangle in the corner for a door.

Draw a small circle for a door knob.

Draw a square for a window.

Draw a plus inside the square.

Let’s Add Decorations!

Draw an upside down “U” for a mailbox.

Connect the bottom with a line.

Draw a longer line on the side.

Draw a curve above the line.

Connect it to the top of the upside down “U.”

Draw two lines below the mailbox for the post.

Add a flag on top with a short line.

Draw a box on attached to the line to make the flag.

Connect the lines for the post.

Let’s draw a tree on the other side of the house. Start with a bumpy cloud shape.

Draw two lines and an oval for the tree trunk.

Fill in the circle and add roots.

Draw a line behind the tree, house, and mailbox for the grass.

Let’s add a flower! Start with a circle.

Add some bumps around the circle for flower petals.

Draw a straight line for the flower stem.

Draw a rectangle below the stem for a flower pot.

Add two angled lines for the sides of the pot.

Add some leaves to the flower stem.

Add some bushes to one side of the house.

And to the other side.

Draw a person inside the window!

Draw the sun in the sky.

Draw some hair on the person.

Draw another person in the window, and add some hair.

Draw some rays around the sun.

Let’s add some clouds. Draw a straight line in the sky.

Add three bumps.

Draw another line in the sky.

And add three bumps.

Let’s decorate the tree! Draw curving lines around the hole in the tree trunk.

Add some wavy lines on the tree trunk.

Add a few more wavy lines.

Let’s add some leaves to the tree. Draw some upside down bumps.

Add some more leaves.

What should we do next?

Now It’s Time To Color!

This turned out great!